Thursday, September 29

Advantage of Mega Hydrate Powder and differnce between MegaH, MegaHydrate AND Crystal Energy.

  •  May Slow the Aging Process

           Because of its hydration capacities, MegaHydrate may increase moisture in all body parts, giving us a more youthful.This also means that the hair, skin and fingernails may seem more lustrous and shiny.

  • Help Counteract the Consequences of Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

We may be unaware of it, but caffeine overload can lead to anxiety, insomnia, dehydration, stress, dizziness and headaches. MegaHydrate can help counteract the negative consequences associated with excessive caffeine and alcohol intake.

  • Boosts Health-Creating Negatively Charged Hydrogen Ions in the Body

These negative ions have been shown to boost our sense of well-being and overall health. Hydrogen ions are key to the body’s energy balance. Without enough hydrogen ions from the plants and water we take in, the cells cannot effectively counteract the creation of free radicals in the body, leading to cellular damage and potentially shorter cell life.

  • Augments the “Zeta Potential” in Our Blood Cells

Through its principle ingredient, silica hydride, MegaHydrate augments what scientists call “zeta potential” in our blood cells. This compound boosts the charge, as well as stability and space between the blood cells. With more zeta potential, we get more surface area for blood cells. More surface area in these cells allows more room for toxicants such as bacteria, fungus, viruses and pollutants to be expelled. Cleansing waters can reach our cells better due to the increased surface potentials. Studies confirm this heightened zeta response in cells upon taking MegaHydrate

  • Boosts Overall Antioxidant Levels in the Body

Studies show that one serving provides more antioxidant content than many of the popular superfoods: including wheat grass, green tea, leafy greens and other vegetable and fruit juices. Heightened antioxidant activity may be a key factor in promoting a multitude of health benefits such as longevity, better memory, better energy levels, improved sight and hearing and reduced chances for chronic disease development.

  • Reduce Some Symptoms of Dehydration

MegaHydrate may help reduce some of the natural signs of dehydration such as lack of energy, head and muscle aches.

  • Provides Oxygen

The negative hydrogen atoms in MegaHydrate push cells apart, instead of drawing them together. This spaciousness increases fluidity in the lymph system and pulls more oxygen into cells. It also has been found to aid the liver in toxin removal.


MegaH is the most powerful antioxidants known. MegaH is a dietary supplement made exclusively by Phi Sciences. Its main active ingredient, Silica Hydride, contains ionized hydrogen. Negatively-charged ionized hydrogen contains an extra electron that is microencapsulated using a nanotechnology called Microclusters®. 

MegaHydrate contains the same amount of Silica Hydride as MegaH plus 50% more Microclusters® and has the same antioxidant capacity as MegaH. 

Comparing the effectiveness of the Silica Hydride in MegaH on free radicals versus other natural, and even synthetic, antioxidant compounds clearly shows that Silica Hydride is 800% more effective than other known products or foods. Published research conducted at prestigious universities validates that the unique formulation and chemistry of Silica Hydride Microclusters® in MegaH and MegaHydrate are safe and contain no toxic byproducts.

Dr. Flanagan is credited with over 300 inventions and was named 1997 Scientist of the Year by the International Association for New Science. He also holds a patent pending on his process of manufacturing a delivery system for ionized hydrogen or H- in living systems and industrial processes. Dr. Flanagan holds advanced degrees in nanotechnology, chemistry, bio-sciences, and medicine. He currently lives in Northern California with his wife Stephanie.

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